Each year, Bishop Ryan Catholic School designates funding that goes towards tuition assistance. Current Bishop Ryan families have the first opportunity to apply for these funds by submitting a completed Tuition Assistance application and a copy of their latest tax return to the business office, traditionally by April 15th. Tuition Assistance applications from incoming families are considered after April 15th, and assistance is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are depleted.
Several scholarships are awarded to assist families with tuition through the generosity of many friends of Bishop Ryan Catholic School.
Scholarships for students new to Bishop Ryan:
A selection of scholarships are reserved for incoming Bishop Ryan students. These are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis as applications are submitted and benefactor-directed parameters are fulfilled. (There is not a separate application process for new-student scholarships.)
Scholarships for current Bishop Ryan students:
The 2024-2025 scholarship application period for students returning to Bishop Ryan in the fall of 2024 is open through 3:00pm on April 15th, 2024.
Fully Endowed Scholarships
Alvin and Lorraine Ahmann Memorial Scholarship
Backes Family Scholarship
Neiman and Dorothy Behm Scholarship
Ed and Fern Brunner Memorial Scholarship
Mike and Bonnie Brunner Scholarship
Henry and Eileen Busch Memorial Scholarship
DuWayne and Donna Christen Memorial Scholarship
Eric Clausen Scholarship
Garth and Eleanor Connole Memorial Scholarship
Coughlin Family Scholarship
Andrew Crockett Memorial Scholarship
Edgar and Irene Deschamp Memorial Scholarship
Reinhard and Agnes Eckert Memorial Scholarship
Terri Feist Memorial Scholarship
Tom and Grace Fisher Scholarship
Franks Family Scholarship
Mark and Char Frost Scholarship
Geinert Family Scholarship
Elizabeth A. Grant Memorial Scholarship
Richard "Bud" and Verna Harmon Heritage Scholarship
Trish Hoeven Memorial Scholarship
Frank and Ruth Holbach Family Scholarship
Hurly Family Music Scholarship
Clayton H. and Colleen D. Johnson Scholarship
Catherine Jones Memorial Scholarship
Nathan Kasper Memorial Scholarship
Fr. Bruce Krebs Scholarship
Matthew & Isabell Klein Scholarship Fund
Herman N. and Marian A. Koll Memorial Grant
Daryl and Lorry Kramer Memorial Scholarship
Gloria F. Knudson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gabriel Jude Lee Memorial Scholarship
Bert Leidholt Memorial Scholarship
Janice Lundeen Scholarship
Magnuson Family Scholarship
Colleen McMahon McCollum Memorial Scholarship
Tony and Ann Nitsch Memorial Scholarship
Cindy Rubbelke Memorial Scholarship
Leona Rubbelke Scholarship Trust
James and Anne Ryan Memorial Scholarship
Fr. Henry Schneider Memorial Scholarship
Samuel and Gertrude Shea Memorial Scholarship
Agnes Slater Memorial Scholarship
Paul and Margaret Streifel Family Memorial
Fisher Wald Memorial Scholarship
Fr. Kenneth Wald Memorial Scholarship
James and Magdalene Walsh Scholarship
Fr. Chris Walter Heritage Fund Scholarship
Brent Weston Memorial Scholarship
Paul and Kay Wherley Memorial Scholarship
Emerging Scholarship Endowments
Kelly Bartsch Memorial Scholarship
Joe and Tootie Bosch Scholarship
Olivia Kay Klein Memorial Scholarship
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Scholarship
Walt Skowronek Memorial Scholarship
Fred & Kaye Voeller Memorial Scholarship
Ambrose and Kathryn Wald Memorial Scholarship